Як проходив останній день роботи над проектом, у четвер, 24.03.2011 року:

Заключний урочистий захід відбувся у Будинку Вчених за участю почесних гостей, директора ЛЛМ, заступників, вчителів, учнів та наших гостей. Цей захід справив надзвичайне враження на всіх і став чудовим завершенням нашого проекту. Заключна вечірка ще більше зблизила нас та допомогла зрозуміти лише одне: "Якими б різними не здавалися наші культури та світобачення, ми все одно матимемо у цьому глобалізованому світі багато спільного!"
Роботу над проектом в Україні було завершено. У пятницю, 25 березня 2011 року німецька делегація вирушила до Німеччини. Гарного вам польоту! До нових зустрічей! Надіємося на подальшу співпрацю!
The Final Day of Work on the Project: Everything Comes to an End...
In the morning (March 24) the German delegation went to Lviv Brewery to get acquainted with one of the leading branches of industry in Lviv.
Then they returned to high school and continued the project work. Students discussed and summed up the investigations on the market they had done the day before.
Then the members of the project team discussed the excursions on the joint venture "Leoni" and Lviv Brewery.
And finally, students summarized the whole activity in Ukraine. They wrote letters expressing their opinions on the work and presented them on large pieces of paper.
The closing ceremony took place in the House of Scientists. This event impressed everyone. It was the wonderful ending of the project. The final party made us closer to each other and helped to understand the following: Our cultures and world outloook may seem different but all the same we'll have many similarities in this globalized world!
On March 25, 2011 the German delegation left for Soest. Have a safe flight! We'll hope to have further cooperation!
Then they returned to high school and continued the project work. Students discussed and summed up the investigations on the market they had done the day before.
Then the members of the project team discussed the excursions on the joint venture "Leoni" and Lviv Brewery.
And finally, students summarized the whole activity in Ukraine. They wrote letters expressing their opinions on the work and presented them on large pieces of paper.
The closing ceremony took place in the House of Scientists. This event impressed everyone. It was the wonderful ending of the project. The final party made us closer to each other and helped to understand the following: Our cultures and world outloook may seem different but all the same we'll have many similarities in this globalized world!
On March 25, 2011 the German delegation left for Soest. Have a safe flight! We'll hope to have further cooperation!