Участь ліцеїстів у міжнародному проекті "Глобалізація"

Участь ліцеїстів у міжнародному проекті "Глобалізація"

пʼятниця, 20 грудня 2013 р.

Excursions on the program "Pushkin’s Petersburg"

Participants of the educational program “Pushkin’s Petersburg” didn’t have only lectures. They went on several excursions. For example, they visited Pushkin’s memorial house. It was here where Pushkin lived during his last days and prepared for the duel with Dantes.
Saint Petersburg has more than 600 addresses connected with Pushkin. The special excursion devoted to these addresses was arranged for the participants of the program. One more excursion was organised to the place of Pushkin’s duel with Georges d'Anthès. The place is known as “The Black River”.

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